Arbitrary Object Understanding.
@article{rftrans, title = {RFTrans: Leveraging Refractive Flow of Transparent Objects for Surface Normal Estimation and Manipulation}, author = {Tang*, Tutian and Liu*, Jiyu and Zhang, Jieyi and Fu, Haoyuan and Xu, Wenqiang and Lu, Cewu}, journal = {IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters}, volume = {}, number = {}, pages = {}, year = {2024}, publisher = {IEEE}, }
@inproceedings{diffstir, title = {Differentiable Fluid Physics Parameter Identification By Stirring and For Stirring}, author = {Xu*, Wenqiang and Zheng*, Dongzhe and Li, Yutong and Ren, Jieji and Lu, Cewu}, booktitle = {{IEEE/RSJ} International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems}, pages = {}, year = {2024}, organization = {IEEE}, }
@inproceedings{akb48, title = {AKB-48: A Real-World Articulated Object Knowledge Base}, author = {Liu, Liu and Xu, Wenqiang and Fu, Haoyuan and Qian, Sucheng and Yu, Qiaojun and Han, Yang and Lu, Cewu}, booktitle = {{CVPR} IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition}, pages = {14809--14818}, year = {2022}, }
@article{reart48, title = {Toward Real-World Category-Level Articulation Pose Estimation}, author = {Liu, Liu and Xue, Han and Xu, Wenqiang and Fu, Haoyuan and Lu, Cewu}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Image Processing}, volume = {31}, pages = {1072--1083}, year = {2022}, publisher = {IEEE}, }
@inproceedings{omad, title = {OMAD: Object Model with Articulated Deformations for Pose Estimation and Retrieval}, author = {Xue*, Han and Liu*, Liu and Xu, Wenqiang and Fu, Haoyuan and Lu, Cewu}, booktitle = {{BMVC} British Machine Vision Conference}, year = {2021}, }
@inproceedings{eseseg, title = {Explicit Shape Encoding for Real-time Instance Segmentation}, author = {Xu*, Wenqiang and Wang*, Haiyang and Qi, Fubo and Lu, Cewu}, booktitle = {{ICCV} IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision}, pages = {5168--5177}, year = {2019}, }
@inproceedings{srda, title = {SRDA: Generating Instance Segmentation Annotation via Scanning, Reasoning and Domain Adaptation}, author = {Xu*, Wenqiang and Li*, Yonglu and Lu, Cewu}, booktitle = {{ECCV} European Conference on Computer Vision}, pages = {120--136}, year = {2018}, }